Publisher Policy for is committed to providing high-quality, accurate, and timely news content to our readers. We strive to adhere to the highest standards of journalistic integrity and ethics, and we are dedicated to providing fair and unbiased coverage of events and issues that matter to our audience.
In order to ensure that our content meets the criteria for inclusion in Google News, we have established the following policies:
- Accuracy: We strive to provide accurate and reliable information in all of our news coverage. We take great care to fact-check all of our stories and to correct any errors promptly.
- Originality: We publish original content that we have created ourselves. We do not publish content that has been copied from other sources, and we do not engage in plagiarism.
- Transparency: We are transparent about our sources and our methods of reporting. We disclose any potential conflicts of interest and we make it clear when we are reporting on opinions or commentary rather than straight news.
- Editorial independence: We maintain editorial independence and make our own editorial decisions. We do not allow advertisers, sponsors, or any other third parties to influence our news coverage or editorial decisions in any way.
- Respect for copyright: We respect the copyrights of others and do not infringe on them in our news coverage. We do not use copyrighted material without permission, and we give proper attribution when using content from other sources.
- Respect for privacy: We respect the privacy of individuals and do not publish personal information without permission. We also do not engage in stalking, harassment, or any other unethical practices in our reporting.
We are committed to upholding these policies in all of our news coverage, and we welcome feedback from our readers about how we can improve our reporting. If you have any questions or concerns about our policies, please contact us at