Cyber-attacks increased by 18 per cent this year alone in India: Check Point


The Check Point report suggests threat actors are using AI tools like ChatGPT to launch cyber attacks.

Cyber attacks India | India online attacks | Check Point India cyber attackThe Check Point report suggests Asia Pacific region has seen the most increase in number of average cyber attacks. (Image Source: Unsplash)

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With the rise of artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT, a recent report by Check Point suggests that the number of cyber attacks in the first quarter of 2023 increased by 7 per cent globally, with each organization facing an average of 1,248 attacks per week.

Even though the number of attacks has risen by a few per cent, companies have seen several sophisticated campaigns from cyber criminals. The report suggests threat actors are making use of code generation tools like ChatGPT to successfully launch cyberattacks.

From January to March 2023, the average weekly attacks rose by around 18 per cent when compared to the same time period in 2022, with an average of 2,108 weekly attacks per organization.

In the first quarter of 2023, the education/research sector seems to be the hardest hit with the number of attacks averaging almost 2,507 attacks per week, which is a 15 per cent rise compared to the same time period last year. Next up is the government/military sector which witnessed almost 1,725 attacks per week.

While these sectors might have the most number of attacks per week, the healthcare and retail/wholesale sectors are the ones who have seen the largest rise with 22 per cent and 49 per cent increase in attacks compared to the first quarter of 2022. A probable reason is that institutions are still struggling to patch vulnerabilities and secure networks.

Comparing the increase in cyber-attacks around the world, the Asia Pacific region is topping charts with over 16 per cent increase in average attacks per organization.

© IE Online Media Services Pvt Ltd

First published on: 07-05-2023 at 15:17 IST

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