CUET UG 2023: Once released, candidates who appeared for the entrance exam can check the result at the official website —
The University Grants Commission (UGC) Chief recently announced that the results for the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) UG 2023 are likely to be declared by the second week of July. Once released, candidates who appeared for the entrance exam can check the score cards at the official website —
However, the CUET UG candidates often wonder what takes NTA weeks to finalise the result, when the exam is computer-based.
The NTA explained that even though the CUET UG entrance test is computer-based, the backend processing for the results announcement is time-consuming.
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As a first step after the conduction of the exam, the NTA reaches out to subject experts to finalise and release the provisional answer keys. After that, students are given a couple of days to register the objections/ challenges against the given answer keys. The NTA then once again reaches out to subject experts who carefully examine each objection/challenge raised.
“A lot of students send us the corrections/objections via email, rather than submitting through the objection window. So, we have to collect and consider those too,” a senior NTA official told
The NTA claims that this process is time-consuming since experts from multiple disciplines have to review numerous question papers’ answer keys, which takes several days. The experts then finalise the answer keys and freeze them.
On the basis of these finalised answer keys, NTA prepares the normalised scores for all the candidates.
This is a very important process that has to be error-free, so all of this takes time,” a senior NTA official further explained to This time, the NTA had nearly 7.5 lakh answer keys to assess.
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First published on: 06-07-2023 at 14:56 IST