Class 10 Science
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Science syllabus for Class 10 covers various topics related to Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Some of the essential chapters of Science for CBSE Class 10 are:
- Chemical Reactions and Equations: This chapter discusses the different types of chemical reactions, balancing chemical equations, and the effects of chemical reactions in daily life.
- Acids, Bases and Salts: This chapter focuses on the properties of acids, bases, and salts, pH scale, and their uses in daily life.
- Metals and Non-metals: This chapter covers the physical and chemical properties of metals and non-metals, their uses, and reactions with each other.
- Life Processes: This chapter deals with the processes necessary for the survival of living organisms, such as nutrition, respiration, excretion, etc.
- Control and Coordination: This chapter explains the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, and the importance of coordination and control in living organisms.
- Heredity and Evolution: This chapter covers the principles of inheritance, genetic disorders, and the process of evolution.
- Light Reflection and Refraction: This chapter explains the laws of reflection and refraction of light, and their applications in daily life.
- Electricity: This chapter discusses the concepts of electric current, potential difference, electric circuits, and the working of electric cells and batteries.
- Magnetic Effects of Electric Current: This chapter explains the properties of magnets and the magnetic field, and the applications of magnetic effects in daily life.
- Sources of Energy: This chapter covers different sources of energy such as conventional and non-conventional sources, their advantages, and disadvantages.