“Of late, our eyes consume a lot of blue light given the continuous exposure to mobile phones, laptops, desktops, on a day-to-day, hour-to-hour basis,” Dr Dimple Janda wrote in her post on Instagram.
Our lifestyle and the nature of a job impact our eyes. A job that requires you to work on a computer for long hours, or a lifestyle that involves continuous browsing on the phone, not only increases the screen time but exposure to blue light as well. Such a lifestyle can cause strain or may lead to headaches and can make our eyes weaker in the long run.
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As such, Dr Dimple Jangda, an Ayurveda expert, suggested three ways that can help reduce pressure on your eyes and enable you to take good care of them.
“Of late, our eyes consume a lot of blue light given the continuous exposure to mobile phones, laptops, desktops, on a day-to-day, hour-to-hour basis,” she wrote in her post on Instagram.
Further, she suggested the following tips which can help your eyes:
People who do not use power glasses are advised to wear reading glasses while reading. While it cuts the blue light, wearing it while reading reduces the strain on your eyes. “Get any reading glasses that cancel blue light and use it to read from the phone or laptops,” said Dr Dimple in her post.
After a long day of working with computers, it is only beneficial to use something cool on your eyes to reduce strain. As per Dr Dimple, use products that have a cooling effect such as grated cucumber, cucumber juice on a cotton pad, rose water, and tea bags that contain flavonoids and is anti inflammatory. Apply this around your eyes to reduce inflammation and heat.
Use kajal with almond oil or ghee on your lower eyelid, to improve good heat (pitta) which helps the tear ducts release tears and the allergens or dust trapped in your eyes.
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First published on: 22-04-2023 at 17:25 IST